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German Films & The Academy Awards (Oscars®)

The selection of the national submissions for the competition for the OSCAR® in the category International Feature Film are in most cases organized by the respective national film institutions. In Germany, German Films is responsible for the preparation, organization and implementation of the selection procedures. In this function, German Films' responsibilities are strictly of organizational nature. German Films itself is not represented in the selection committee.

The following thirteen movies were submitted for 2024 to German Films by German producers in the 96th OSCAR® category BEST INTERNATIONAL FEATURE FILM: 



DAS LEHRERZIMMER (THE TEACHERS‘ LOUNGE) by Ilker Çatak is the German entry for the Oscars® 2024.

The jury with spokesperson Torsten Koch (Verband der Filmverleiher e.V.) gave the motivation for its choice as follows:

"By nominating THE TEACHERS' LOUNGE, the jury has chosen a highly topical, universal feature film that is impossible to resist. Student Academy Award® winner Ilker Çatak takes the microcosm of a school as the setting for social processes of erosion in the post-factual age. Çatak is masterful in the way he stages his precisely written story as a breakdown in understanding. Leonie Benesch delivers a breathtaking performance as an idealist who, in trying to do everything right, comes under increasing pressure - intensified by the clever decision to adopt the unusual 4:3 format. THE TEACHERS' LOUNGE is supported by the outstanding casting and superb performances of its diverse ensemble."

DAS LEHRERZIMMER (THE TEACHERS‘ LOUNGE) was officially nominated for the Oscars® 2024 in the category Best International Feature Film on January 23, 2024.


    The German selection committee for the 2024 OSCAR® selection consisted of the following participants:

    • Produzentenverband e.V.: Jakob Weydemann (Weydemann Bros.)
    • Allianz Deutscher Produzenten - Film & Fernsehen e.V. / Sektion Kino: Katharina Rinderle (Latemar Film)
    • Verband deutscher Filmexporteure e.V.: Gabor Greiner (Films Boutique)
    • Verband der Filmverleiher e.V.:  Torsten Koch (Constantin Film)
    • AG Kino – Gilde der deutschen Filmkunsttheater: Christian Bräuer
    • Verband der Deutschen Filmkritik e.V.: Matthias Dell
    • Bundesverband Regie e.V.: Mira Thiel
    • Deutsche Filmakademie e.V.: An Dorthe Braker, Sven Poser