German Films Service + Marketing
German Films Service + Marketing GmbH is the national information and advisory center for the promotion of German films worldwide. It was established in 1954 under the name Export-Union of German Cinema as the umbrella association for the Association of German Feature Film Producers, the Association of New German Feature Film Producers and the Association of German Film Exporters, and operates today in the legal form of a limited company. In 2004, the company was reorganized and now operates under the name: German Films Service + Marketing GmbH.
German Films Service + Marketing GmbH
Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 16
80331 Munich/Germany
phone +49-89-59 97 87-0
fax +49-89-59 97 87 30
„Our vision at GERMAN FILMS is to represent a diverse society through the international positioning and promotion of German feature films. We regard tolerance, diversity and appreciation as well as European values to be fundamental components, both in our external dealings with all industry professionals as well as within our team. We are operating through sustainable action within a dynamic creative industry as very well connected and committed ambassadors to present and strengthen the position of German feature films as an important economic and cultural asset on an international level.“
Range of Activities
- Close cooperation with major international film festivals, including Berlin, Cannes, Venice, San Sebastian, Locarno, Sundance, Karlovy Vary, Toronto, New York, Shanghai, Warsaw, and Busan
- Organization of umbrella stands for German sales companies and producers at international television and film markets
- Staging of Festivals of German Films in selected international territories in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut
- Staging of industry screenings in key international territories
- Providing advice and information for representatives of the international press and buyers from the fields of cinema, home entertainment, and television
- Providing advice and information for German filmmakers and press on international festivals, conditions of participation, and German films being shown
- Organization of the annual Next Generation Short Tiger short film program, which presents a selection of shorts and is internationally premiered in Cannes
- Publication of informational literature about current German films and the German film industry, as well as international market analyses and special festival brochures
- A website ( offering information about new German films, a film archive, in formation and links to German and international film festivals and institutions
- Organization of the selection procedure for the German entry for the Oscar® for Best International Feature Film
- Organization of the German Films Previews geared toward arthouse distributors and buyers of German films
- Selective financial Distribution Support for the foreign releases of German films
- Organization of the annual German-French film meeting together with UniFrance
- Presentation of the annual FACE TO FACE WITH GERMAN FILMScampaign which shines a spotlight on some of the most influential upcoming German talents currently working in the industry
Supervisory Board
- Philipp Kreuzer (Chairman of the Board)
Philipp Kreuzer is a producer of multiple feature films, TV productions and series and CEO of maze pictures. Before founding maze pictures, he was part of the Bavaria Film Group. He is a member of the German Producers Guild as well as the European Film Academy and German Film Academy.
- Johannes Busse
Johannes Busse is Head of Sales at the German world sales company SOLA MEDIA GmbH.
- Jana Cernik
Jana Cernik is one of the Managing Directors of AG Kurzfilm.
- Jolinde Sawahn
Jolinde Sawahn is the Deputy CEO and Head of Funding of the German Federal Film Board (FFA).
- Kirsten Niehuus
Kirsten Niehuus is the CEO of Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.
- Dr. Frank Castenholz
Dr. Frank Castenholz is the head of the Division K 36 for Film Industry & International Film Affairs in the office of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
- Allianz Deutscher Produzenten - Film & Fernsehen/ German Producers Alliance
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm/ German Documentary Association
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kurzfilm/ German Short Film Association
- Deutsche Kinemathek Museum für Film und Fernsehen/ German Kinemathek Museum for Film and TV
- FFA Filmförderungsanstalt/ German Federal Film Board
- FilmFernsehFonds Bayern/ Bavarian Film Fund
- Film- und Medienstiftung NRW/Film Fund North-Rhine Westphalia
- Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg/ Berlin-Brandenburg Film Fund
- PROG - Producers of Germany/ German Producers Guild
- Verband Deutscher Filmexporteure/ Association of German Film Exporters
Partners & Supporters
German Films present budget of ca. EUR 5.4 million comes from film export levies, the office of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, and the FFA. In addition, the nine main regional film funds (FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, HessenFilm, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, MFG Baden-Württemberg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, MV Filmförderung and Nordmedia) make a financial contribution towards the work of German Films.
German Films is a founding member of the European Film Promotion (EFP), a network of European film organizations with similar responsibilities to those of German Films. The organization, with its headquarters in Hamburg, aims to develop and realize joint projects for the presentation of European films on an international level.
Additional Partners & Supporters: