In the 1st meeting of 2023, German Films „Distribution Support" awards committee decided to support 33 foreign theatrical releases of German films. In total 335,200 Euros were allocated.
The committee decided to support the following films:
ADIOS BUENOS AIRES in Switzerland and Liechtenstein (Distributor: Xenix Filmdistribution, World Sales: Beta Cinema, Theatrical Release: 15 June 2023, Grant: 10,000€)
AFIRE in Switzerland (Distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich, World Sales: The Match Factory, Theatrical Release: 25 May 2023, Grant: 10,000€)
DANCING PINA in France (Distributor: Dulac Distribution, World Sales: New Docs, Theatrical Release: 12 April 2023, Grant: 12,000€)
DEAR FUTURE CHILDREN in Sweden (Distributor: Smorgasbord Picture House, World Sales: Magnetfilm, Theatrical Release: 15 May 2023, Grant: 3,000€)
GREAT FREEDOM in Japan (Distributor: Tokyu Bunkamura, World Sales: The Match Factory, Theatrical Release: 07 July 2023, Grant: 15,000€)
HUMAN FLOWERS OF FLESH in USA and Canada (Distributor: The Cinema Guild, World Sales: Shellac, Theatrical Release: 14 April 2023, Grant: 6,000€)
HUMAN FLOWERS OF FLESH in Spain (Distributor: Lost & Found Films, World Sales: Shellac, Theatrical Release: 31 March 2023, Grant: 3,000€)
LOVE, DEUTSCHMARKS AND DEATH in Ukraine (Distributor: KISFF Films, World Sales: Taskovski Films, Theatrical Release: 11 May 2023, Grant: 2,100€)
LUCY WANTED in Switzerland (Distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich, World Sales: The Playmaker Munich, Theatrical Release: 30 March 2023, Grant: 12,000€)
MANTA MANTA - ZWOTER TEIL in Switzerland (Distributor: Praesens Film AG, World Sales: Constantin, Theatrical Release: 30 March 2023, Grant: 7,000€)
MIA & ME: THE HERO OF CENTOPIA in UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar (Distributor: Krisco Media, World Sales: Studio 100, Theatrical Release: 11 May 2023, Grant: 10,000€)
MUSIC in France (Distributor: Shellac, World Sales: Les Films de L'Après-Midi, Theatrical Release: 08 March 2023, Grant: 12,000€)
RABBIT ACADEMY: MISSION EGGPOSSIBLE in Bolivia (Distributor: BF Distribution Bolivia, World Sales: Sola Media, Theatrical Release: 18 May 2023, Grant: 1,100€)
RABBIT ACADEMY: MISSION EGGPOSSIBLE in Norway (Distributor: Manymore, World Sales: Sola Media, Theatrical Release: 28 April 2023, Grant: 15,000€)
RABBIT ACADEMY: MISSION EGGPOSSIBLE in Portugal (Distributor: Films4You – Cinema, World Sales: Sola Media, Theatrical Release: 23 March 2023, Grant: 8,000€)
RHEINGOLD in Romania (Distributor: Transilvania Film, World Sales: The Match Factory, Theatrical Release: 16 June 2023, Grant: 4,500€)
RHEINGOLD in Turkey (Distributor: Garageplay, World Sales: Studiocanal, Theatrical Release: 10 March 2023, Grant: 14,000€)
ROYAL GAME in the Taiwan (Distributor: Yeni Bir Film, World Sales: The Match Factory, Theatrical Release: 12 May 2023, Grant: 4,500€)
SCHOOL OF MAGICAL ANIMALS 2 in Denmark (Distributor: Another World Entertainment, World Sales: Global Screen, Theatrical Release: 27 April 2023, Grant: 15,000€)
SCHOOL OF MAGICAL ANIMALS in Norway (Distributor: Another World Entertainment Norway, World Sales: Global Screen, Theatrical Release: 09 September 2023, Grant: 15,000€)
SCHOOL OF MAGICAL ANIMALS in Poland (Distributor: New Horizons, World Sales: Global Screen, Theatrical Release: 17 March 2023, Grant: 7,500€)
SEVEN WINTERS IN TEHRAN in France (Distributor: Nour films, World Sales: Cercamon, Theatrical Release: 29 March 2023, Loan: 25,000€)
THE AMAZING MAURICE in Belgium (Distributor: Just4kids, World Sales: Global Screen, Theatrical Release: 29 March 2023, Loan: 20,000€)
THE AMAZING MAURICE in Israel (Distributor: Red Cape, World Sales: Global Screen, Theatrical Release: 30 March 2023, Grant: 15,000€)
THE AMAZING MAURICE in the Netherlands (Distributor: In The Air, World Sales: Global Screen, Theatrical Release: 19 April 2023, Loan: 25,000€)
THE FORGER in Chile (Distributor: CDI Films, World Sales: Beta Cinema, Theatrical Release: 30 March 2023, Grant: 3,500€)
THE FORGER in Argentina (Distributor: CDI Films, World Sales: Beta Cinema, Theatrical Release: 02 February 2023, Grant: 2,500€)
THE MAGIC FLUTE in the USA (Distributor: Shout!Studios, World Sales: Sola Media, Theatrical Release: 10 March 2023, Grant: 15,000€)
THE OGGLIES – WELCOME TO SMELLIVILLE in South Korea (Distributor: Boxoo Entertainment, World Sales: The Playmaker Munich, Theatrical Release: 06 April 2023, Grant: 15,000€)
THE ORDINARIES in Austria (Distributor: Filmcasino & Polyfilm BetriebsGmbH, World Sales: Port Au Prince Pictures, Theatrical Release: 14 April 2023, Grant: 3,000€)
THE ROBBER HOTZENPLOTZ in Hungary (Distributor: ADS Service, World Sales: Studiocanal, Theatrical Release: 25 May 2023, Grant: 7,000€)
WE MIGHT AS WELL BE DEAD in Mexico (Distributor: Bestiario Films, World Sales: Fortissimo Films, Theatrical Release: 01 June 2023, Grant: 6,500€)
WE MIGHT AS WELL BE DEAD in the USA and Canada (Distributor: Hope Runs High, World Sales: Fortissimo Films, Theatrical Release: 19 May 2023, Grant: 11,000€)
Please be aware that all release dates are subject to change.
Applications for the next sitting of the awards committee meeting can be submitted up until 8th June 2023.
The "Distribution Support" funding program was launched in 2005 and supports the theatrical release of German films abroad. Subsidies are awarded for additional measures over and above the release campaign which had already been planned by the foreign distributors. The support up to a maximum of 50,000 Euros is allocated in the form of a conditionally repayable loan. Funding of up to 15,000 Euros can also be allocated as a grant.
The guidelines and the application form for "Distribution Support" can be downloaded here.
Anne Heidebrecht (Head of Distribution Support & Previews)